clutter free

Clutter leads to chaos - in the home and in the mind. Sometimes we may not even realize it; but I very much believe that when our environment (or even our to-do list is cluttered, things just tend to feel more chaotic. “Clutter free” doesn’t mean you have to throw out all the things you love. Even by making a few small changes you can declutter your life and get back to a calm environment and mindset. Decluttering is self care. Explore some of the tips, challenges, and maybe new ideas around decluttering for a little pick-me-up.

  • woman looking at photo album
    Clutter Free,  Momaging

    Simple Solution to Declutter Family Photos

    Quick question - As a parent, do you feel like you need to cherish EVERY picture of your kids? Does that still apply if you have approximately 10,058 pictures of them doing every.little.thing.ever? Unless you have a house with literally miles of wall space, printing and hanging all those cute photos is nearly impossible; but how can you simply declutter all those sweet family photos? Easy - Shutterfly Photo Books.